In the Process...

Posted by Marlanda Verne on Friday, April 24, 2009

Take your time with me

line me up with your 1, 2, and 3

let my seconds add up to your minutes

so that for hours I can breathe you

I cannot be alone

I need you around the clock

from half past 8

to a quarter past 12

and to soothe my dreams in between

I want my mind fixated on you

minute men cannot fulfill my desires

because only you know what's true of my heart

so how can they claim to

how can I expect them to


to fill my time with affections

that may temporarily convince me that I'm satisfied

when in ac...

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Transitions are Real...

Posted by Marlanda Verne on Friday, April 24, 2009

Transitions are real
and should not be slept upon
     because dreams soon die if not acted upon
so do not let motivation fall prey to sleep unnecessary

Movement is mandatory
because idleness is a contagious disease
dreams deferred full blown
sufficiency is not enough
     so never settle
Always soar for more

Options demand a choice
so do not believe transition to be a phantom unreal
breathe it in everyday
and allow transition to move you to choose

Life is an option!

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Posted by Marlanda Verne on Thursday, April 23, 2009

who we are is who we choose to be

lost..because we don't ask for answers

scared...because we run from solution

unconsciously denying the divine constitution

right or wrong?

struggles and battles

unheard and unspoken

feel like our weapons have become obsolete

like they are no longer working

praying and praising

ranting and raving

but yet crying and hiding

faking the smiling

around those who aren't...

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"And it came to pass at midnight..." (Ruth 3:8)

Posted by Marlanda Verne on Thursday, April 23, 2009

i remember who i became

i realize how i became

through the Name

been awhile without the pain

of utter confusion accumulated

from the compilation of fear

and maybe rejection

i have pack-ratted throughout my life

i thought i broke out of the stronghold of lies

i thought i'd accepted who You said i am

thought i had realized

that Satan lies only to corrupt my mind

Father my insides are disturbed

my eyes, they burn

i want to hide away from life

how could i?

how could i allow myself to slip into th...

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